Financial planning to secure your future

Home Loan Advice Centre can refer you to financial advisers to assist putting together a financial plan for your future. Services includes …


  • Loan repayment insurance – protect loan repayments
  • Income protection insurance – protect income
  • Life insurance – payout on death
  • Total and permanent disability insurance – payout on accident or disability
  • Other insurances you may require in your special circumstances.

INVESTMENTS – if you’ve got property assets, you might want to expand your portfolio by diversifying into other assets such as managed funds, direct shares, or fixed income securities. With the strenght of the research and experience of a number of Australia’s leading financial institutiions, we can work out an investment strategy that fits your financial situation.

SUPERANNUATION – superannuation is a governemnt incentive to encourage you to save for retirement by giving you tax advantages to put money into super. By taking your future goals into consideration, we can devise a plan that utilises super in a way that suits your needs. This may include strategies such as paying for your loan repayment insurance from your super fund rather than your salary, salary sacrifice arrangements, or using super to purchase investment property.

ESTATE PLANNING – if you’ve spent your life accumulating assets, holding them in the right ownership structure will be crucial to ensure the maximum amount of wealth gets transferred to your children. Our financial plans advise you on the ways to do this via diffent ways to structure your finances including superannuation, trusts, companies, and personal ownership

ACCOUNTING – taxation, tax planning, self managed super funds, business taxation.